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Gongyi city Trade Union entered Henan Yucai Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. to "send coolness in summer" to frontline employees.


The hot summer season is coming, especially after the dog days, and the hot weather in Gongyi continues. The heatstroke prevention and cooling work is a seasonal labor protection work, which is not only directly related to the health of employees, but also affects the production safety of enterprises. Therefore, gongyi city Trade Union entered Henan Yucai Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. to "send coolness in summer" for front-line employees.


Trade union staff prepared mineral water, mung beans, rock sugar, herbal tea, wind oil essence, Huoxiang Zhengqi water, Rendan and other heatstroke prevention and cooling items, and fully affirmed the hard work of front-line employees in Henan Yucai environmental protection struggle, and reminded everyone to pay attention to their own health and safety and do a good job in heatstroke prevention and cooling in hot and summer weather.




      Through this summer's cool-off activity, it not only sent the care of gongyi city Trade Union and Henan Yucai Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., but also inspired the staff's enthusiasm and enthusiasm for work. At the same time, it is necessary to enhance the awareness of protection, combine work and rest, do a good job in high temperature protection and strengthen labor safety.


Contact: David Zhao

Phone: 13783644683

Tel: 0371-64110451

Email: tigeryc1986@126.com

Add: Group 4,Beiwan Village,Beishankou Town,Gongyi District,Zhengzhou City,Henan Province,China

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